Thursday 4 April 2013

How To Make A Lego Animation


Go on a video sharing website like Youtube and search for LEGO movies, to get ideas. (Examples:LEGO Star Wars, LEGO Mario, LEGO Batman.etc.)


Make sure you have all of your materials.


Build and stage your set, this could be 100% Lego, a real world scene or a combination of the two. Be sure to look through the camera you'll be using, to get a sense of how your video will look. While you're doing this you can check for unwanted elements that need to be covered up or camouflaged, especially in the background.


Next get the Lego minifigure actors ready. As the stock minifigure heads are very static you may want to have a few suitable heads ready to go if you'd like for your actors to be expressive. If you can't find heads that work you could always paint some yourself.


Position the starting scene of your movie and your camera keeping in mind that it is imperative that the camera be immobilized; otherwise your finished video will be jerky. Use a tripod or similar device to keep the camera still, then take the picture.


Now it is time to move the actors in your scene, but just a little bit. It is easiest to move the character about two paces on the platform or about half an inch on the floor. Continue this until you are done with your movie.


Use any stop motion application on your computer that can make variable fps time settings. preferably one that can set up to 15fps, It will give the best results.


Go on iMovie, Windows Movie Maker or another movie making program and import your photos.


Delete any extra photos and put them in the correct order.


Watch your movie using the sideshow setting.

Blogging Requirments

Blogging Requirments

Dear people of the world

The animators ars continuing and developing its use of some technology which we hope will continue to help transform our club . We want you involved! We are continuing to use our blogs, which are websites that can be contributed to by children, staff, parents and others.

What is a blog?
Parents and others are able to see what goes on by looking at work and information created during the day. “Blogging” is writing that is done online. You can read the blogs and leave a comment—the more comments the better as they are read by the children and motivate them to write more. People have posted some writing and commented on each others blogs . Parents and carers, teachers and in fact anybody else, can comment. Why not tell them what you like about their work? You could ask questions or suggest ways that they might make their work better.
Blogs can be used to post links to activities and websites which relate to the club . They help to get children engaged and excited about their learning, and encourage them to think about the club in new and interesting ways. We hope you are as excited as we are! 

Is it safe?
Yes. Blogs are very safe if they are managed carefully. EVERYTHING that people write on the blog is moderated before it appears. This means that a member of staff reads and checks things to decide if they are appropriate. We tell the people that they can only use their first names on the blog, and we do lots of work to ensure that they know how to use it responsibly and safely. No email addresses, phone numbers or other personal data is allowed on the blog. Photos/videos of children will never be used along with names, so children cannot be identified through images. This content will only be published if consent is agreed.